Finger splint (DIP + PIP) – Fix (first aid)
Finger splint (DIP + PIP) – Fix (first aid) INDICATION First aid splint for finger. FLEXIBLE LIGHT PERFORATED TRANSPARENT WASHABLE Application and adjusting For hospital use only ! ALL...
Universal wrist orthosis – REF_31-32
Universal wrist orthosis – REF_31-32 INDICATION Fixation and/or immobilization of the wrist in, as well as after injuries (e.g. distortion), surgery and fixation with plaster of Paris. Conservative treatment in inflammation and degenerative...
First aid wind-up splint M (900×190 mm) – REF_04
First aid wind-up splint M (900×190 mm) – REF_04 INDICATION First aid wind-up splint for lower limb. FLEXIBLE LIGHT PERFORATED TRANSPARENT WASHABLE Application and adjusting For hospital use only ! ALL...